Ashburn, US
39.0438, -77.4874
Current time 18:14 (GMT-04:00, America/New York)

Moon today

Moon phase: First Quarter Moon age 8 days Waxing , Illumination 57% Distance from Earth 386948.8km Moonrise 15:12

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We also want to highlight full moons, new moons, and supermoons on their dedicated pages. On the full moon page, you'll find information about full moons and their upcoming dates. Similarly, on the new moon and supermoon pages, you'll find information about these events. is designed to provide accurate and reliable information about the moon phases and related events. We hope you find all the information you need about the moon and its various phases on our website. Whether your interest stems from science, astrology, or simple curiosity, we hope is a valuable resource for you.

What is Moon Phase Calendar used For

The moon phase calendar can be used in various contexts, but some common applications include astrology, gardening, fishing, and scheduling religious celebrations.

Using a moon phase calendar in astrology

A moon phase calendar is used in astrology for predicting and interpreting lunar phases. Astrologers believe that lunar phases can influence people's emotions, energy levels, and life events. Here are some ways in which a moon phase calendar is used in astrology:

  • Tracking lunar phases: Astrologers follow the moon phase calendar to determine when lunar phases occur. This helps them understand the timing of the new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter. These phases are considered significant times for astrological interpretation.
  • Interpretation and prediction: Astrologers interpret the influence of lunar phases on people's lives. Each lunar phase is believed to have different energies and effects. For example, the time of the new moon can represent new beginnings and opportunities, while the full moon can bring illumination and highlight emotions. Astrologers use these influences to make predictions and provide advice on various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, and health.
  • Personal chart analysis: Astrologers can use the lunar cycle and moon phases in the interpretation of a personal astrological chart. The lunar cycle can reveal information about a person's emotional nature and other psychological factors. Additionally, the moon phases can be considered in conjunction with other planets and astrological factors when analyzing a personal chart.

It's important to note that the use of astrology often involves personal interpretations and beliefs. Each astrologer may approach the significance of lunar phases slightly differently based on their education, experience, and astrological practice.

Using a moon phase calendar in gardening

A moon phase calendar is used in gardening to leverage the influence of lunar phases and the lunar cycle on plant growth and development. While scientific evidence regarding the impact of the lunar cycle on gardening is limited, many gardeners find it a useful tool for planning and timing their gardening activities. Here are some ways in which a moon phase calendar can be used in gardening:

  • Planting times: Based on the moon phase calendar, gardeners can plan optimal planting times for different crops. For example, plants with edible parts underground (such as carrots) are believed to benefit from planting during the new moon phase when growth focuses on the root system. On the other hand, plants with edible parts above ground (such as lettuce) are believed to benefit from planting during the waxing moon phase when growth focuses more on leaf and stem development.
  • Irrigation and fertilization: Gardeners can plan irrigation and fertilization schedules based on the lunar cycle. According to some beliefs, plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil more effectively during the full moon, so watering and fertilizing are recommended during that time. During the last quarter, it is believed to be a good time to reduce watering and fertilization as plant growth slows down.
  • Harvesting: Gardeners can plan the timing of harvest based on the lunar cycle. For example, the harvesting of fruits and vegetables is often scheduled during the waxing moon phase when nutrients are believed to be more available to plants, resulting in improved flavor characteristics.

It's important to note that the impact of the lunar cycle on gardening can vary depending on the region and specific plants. Additionally, scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of this method is limited. Some gardeners may view the use of a moon phase calendar more as a traditional or belief-based practice rather than a scientifically proven method.

Using a moon phase calendar in fishing

A moon phase calendar is used in fishing to help predict the best fishing times. While scientific evidence regarding the relationship between the lunar cycle and fishing is limited, many anglers find a moon phase calendar useful for planning fishing trips and selecting suitable times for targeting different fish species. Here are some ways in which a moon phase calendar can be used in fishing:

  • Fishing activity: It is believed that certain lunar phases can increase fishing activity. For example, the full moon and the new moon may influence fish feeding habits and activity. Some anglers prefer fishing during the full moon, believing that fish movement and feeding are more active during that time.
  • Fish behavior: The lunar cycle can be used to assess fish behavior during different phases. Fishing guides and local knowledge may provide information on when certain fish species are expected to be more active, in spawning condition, or more inclined to feed during specific lunar phases.
  • Baits and lures: Anglers can tailor their baits and lures according to the lunar cycle and phases. For example, during the waxing moon phase when fish are believed to feed more, larger and more vibrant lures may attract more fish.

It's important to note that the impact of the lunar cycle on fishing can vary depending on the region and fish species. Some anglers view the influence of the lunar cycle more as a belief-based and traditional practice rather than scientifically proven. While using a moon phase calendar can provide anglers with guidelines and add excitement to fishing trips, it does not guarantee a catch. The angler's own experience and local knowledge remain important factors for successful fishing.

Using a moon phase calendar in scheduling religious festivals

A moon phase calendar is used in many religions that are based on lunar phases and a lunar calendar to schedule religious festivals and important religious events. Here are some examples of how a moon phase calendar is used in scheduling religious festivals:

  • Islam: In Islam, a lunar calendar known as the Islamic calendar is used, which is based on the phases of the moon. This calendar consists of months that begin and end based on the sighting of the new moon. Important Islamic festivals such as fasting during Ramadan and the celebrations of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are scheduled according to the lunar cycle.
  • Judaism: Jewish tradition uses the Hebrew lunar calendar. This calendar also follows the phases of the moon and determines the dates of Jewish festivals such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Passover. The lunar cycle and the duration of certain months influence the timing of these festivals throughout the year.
  • Buddhism: In some Buddhist traditions, a moon phase calendar is used to schedule important Buddhist festivals such as Vesak (Buddha's birthday). The date of Vesak varies in different regions and traditions, but it is often determined based on the lunar phases.
  • Hinduism: Hinduism is known for its various calendar systems, some of which are based on the lunar cycle. Many Hindu festivals such as Diwali, Holi, and Navaratri are scheduled according to the Hindu lunar calendar, which follows the lunar phases and traditional timings.

The use of a moon phase calendar in scheduling religious festivals can vary among different religions and traditions. Some religions may rely solely on the lunar cycle, while others may combine it with a solar calendar. For example, in Christianity, the date of Easter is partially determined based on the lunar cycle but is calculated using a combination of the solar calendar (the Gregorian calendar) and the lunar cycle. Additionally, local cultures and religious leaders may influence the precise date and timing of festivals based on their own interpretations and traditions.